Firstly, with great regret, I have to say that my beloved phupharji, Sudhir Kharbanda , (my father's brother-in-law) left for his heavenly abode on the 28th of December, leaving behind fond memories with his entire family, the Kharbandas and Kapoors. His Chautha was held on the 30th at Mata Ka Mandir, Near New Friends Colony, New Delhi; the 30th also marked the completion of 2 months of life without my grandmother. It was a really sad day for me. Moving on, it is holiday season and I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year . I sincerely hope and wish that life in 2007 will be happier and more enjoyable than 2006 has been and may you reach (or atleast try to reach) the pinnacles of success that you have been aiming for. By the way, do have a look at those Wikipedia ariticles. Its amazing that Christmas and New Year have a different meaning for different cultures. Pratik Dhaboo , a brilliant ex student of Loyola , is the webmaster for Medha 2007 , a mechanical tech fest be...